Durations – Listening – Rooms

Durationer – en konsertinstallation I samarbete med tre tonsättare har Ensemble Makadam laborerat med tid och rum, klang och lyssnande i olika former. I arbetet med denna ”konsertinstallation” har tre kompositioner vuxit fram samt idéer om ljusdesign och scenografi. Under veckan Durationer pågår i nedre foajén i Göteborgs Konserthus kommer varje tonsättare att, varsin dag, … Continue reading Durations – Listening – Rooms

Morton Feldman

Morton Feldmans sista verk för piano, violin, viola och cello kommer vi alltid tillbaka till. 5/10 2017 kl.19.00 Ny Musik i Borås. Morton Feldman:Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello (1987) 5/9 2017 19.00 Morton Feldman – Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello (1987) Göteborgs konserthus 21/08 2017 kl.18.00 Khimaira i Stockholm. Morton Feldman:Piano, Violin, Viola, Cello (1987)

Beethoven sketches

I Statens Musikverks arkiv och hos Stiftelsen för musikkulturens främjande finns möjlighet att studera Ludwig van Beethovens originalmanuskript och skisser. Vi låter dem inspirera oss när vi skissar, väljer och vrakar ur mästarens verk. 26/07 kl.19.00 Vibrationsverket i Anga. Beethovenskisser med ljudimprovisationer av Anna E Weiser. 25/07 kl.19.00 Almedalsbiblioteket i Visby. Beethovenskisser med ljudimprovisationer av … Continue reading Beethoven sketches


During 2016 we made a number of concerts with the singer Avin Omar who initiated us with the Kurdish tradition. The encounter between her musical tradition and the reminiscence of Western art music in Makadams “Schubertbath” has been rewarding and we look forward to further cooperation. 2016 started with a new musical happening. Inspired  by … Continue reading Interactions


Ensemble Makadam experiment with the format of live performance as an installation in Art Galleries. The project explores musical durations and live music performances as installations in art- galleries and museums based on written music – as well as the ensemble’s free improvisations. The contemporary music searches, like other performative expressions (dance, performance, theater), a … Continue reading Durations


2013 Bo Wiklund is investigating how the process of composing is influenced by interplay with the musicians’ improvisations. From a tonal material with some given intervals and rhythmic phrases we play an improvisation which is recorded and then serves as the starting point for the actual composition. In the completed work there will also be … Continue reading Colonisation


2012-2013 Here we combine at random classical works with free improvisation. In the middle of the movements we let go and branch out into planned and spontaneous improvisations, finding new approaches to the expression and forms of the music.  

Mutations and Morphologies

2011 In a concert at Atalante in Gothenburg on 4 April, with solo pieces, smaller constellations of the ensemble and the first performance of a work by Lars Carlsson, ‘Mutations and Morphologies’ (2011), we experiment in binding together the different works with our own improvisations.